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How To Get The Ideal Premise For Your Business Needs

January 18, 2022 By The Fortunate Investor | This article may contain affiliate links. For more information visit our Disclosure
Once you have decided which avenue to venture down for your business needs and have the necessary funds in place to get you going, you are going to need a business premise in which to successfully run your business. Yes, you can begin working remotely from home, but realistically, after a while, this is not going to be sufficient when you need to hire more employees and expand the space in which you work. So this is when you need an appropriate business location. 
Identify Your Needs
First of all, you will want to compile a list of the key features you are hoping to obtain from your ideal business premise. How large does it need it to be? Does it need to accommodate specific machinery to make your products or perhaps just office space? Will you need to be located in the middle of town or can it be a more remote location? Once you have written down the main areas of interest, you will then know what you are ideally looking for, which will help you to begin your search. 
Assess Your Finances 

Knowing how much realistically you can afford to spend and how much money you actually have will certainly be necessary. You will need to ensure that you have enough finances in place before you begin this process and whether you need to apply for any specific loans to help you along your way. This will establish a budget around which you can target your search around. Once you know how much money you have to play with it can make the search process a whole lot easier. 
Don’t Just Shop Online 
You might be inclined to browse around online for prospective business locations, but without visiting these places in person, how will you know how much needs to be completed in terms of aesthetic work? You will also be able to gauge the actual size of the property, which is not something you can really determine online. So definitely make sure you visit any business premises in person before making an offer. 
Hire a Commercial Real Estate Agent 
It will certainly be useful to hire the expertise of a commercial real estate agent as they will be knowledgeable in the property market and will be able to arrange visits to various business premises so that you can check them out. They will also be able to make suggestions based on what your criteria is and be able to book appointments to properties that you would not have access to without their contacts. 
Visit The Surrounding Area 
You want to know that the area in which you plan to set up your business, is a good, safe neighborhood. It will be wise to check out the surrounding area, speak to other local businesses and visit the area at night to ensure that there is not a high level of crime. The last thing you want to be spending your hard-earned cash on is costly repairs to your business premise due to constant burglaries or break-ins. 
Get Advice From Relevant Professionals 

With regards to the physical labor of setting up your business premise and decorating the interiors, you are going to need the expertise of construction workers, a plumber, an electrician, a surveyor, and an architect. Depending on the land in which you are building your business premise or renovating, you might stumble across a patch of land which is home to several species of trees. 
You might then require an individual who is proficient in lumber production, who would be able to mark out any necessary or useful species with tree paint, so that it can then be collected for distribution. This will reduce any unnecessary waste. Therefore you should always contact a qualified professional when you come across something you are not familiar with. 
Assess Your Future Growth 
You will also need to consider what the future holds for your business in a few years and whether the premise you choose to be in now is going to be the same one you hope to find yourself in five years’ time. Or do you perhaps need a business location that will enable you to expand, space-wise so that you do not need to relocate again? It will certainly be worth taking this into consideration when searching for your ideal business location. 

The Fortunate Investor is the finance half of the husband and wife duo behind this website. Michael's finance and investment advice is rooted in an MBA and 20 years experience as an entrepreneur, banker, and manager in the financial services industry. Latest posts by The Fortunate Investor (see all)