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How To Convince Someone To Invest In Your Business - The Fortunate Investor

How To Convince Someone To Invest In Your Business - The Fortunate Investor

April 29, 2021 By Bobby | This article may contain affiliate links. For more information visit our Disclosure

When you are trying to drum up interest in your business amongst investors, there are a lot of things that you need to bear in mind in order to try and make a success of it. Everyone knows that this process can be difficult and take a long time to get right. But there are many steps you can take and approaches you can follow which are going to make it considerably more likely that you find a decent investor for your needs. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the things that can help to convince someone to invest in your business.
Practice Your Pitch
The pitch is clearly the most important thing of all, so you need to make sure that you are going to get it right. What most people fail on is that you need to practice your pitch as much as possible to ensure that you can deliver it exactly the way you would like to. The more time and effort you put into this, the better, so make sure that you come to the meeting fully prepared to blow them away. As part of this, you will need to consider all of the questions that they might ask, and have the answers ready for them.
Consider The Setting
The place where you actually meet to talk it all over is one of the most important things that you need to think about too, as it is going to have a huge if subtly-felt effect on whether or not the person is likely to have good feelings towards you. There is a lot of debate about what the perfect setting might be, but anywhere where they are going to be relaxed and alert can really help. Imagine a private club with moscow mule cups and some delicious food on offer – that is the kind of setting that will really get them on your side.
Show Demand
One of the most important things is that the investor needs to know there is a lot of demand for whatever you are offering. If you can show real figures relating to how many people are excited about your product or service, you are going to be able to make a huge difference that way. The more interest you have found for your product, the better. Make a big deal about this if you want that investor to put their money forward.
Be Trustworthy
Investors are looking to invest in something that they feel is trustworthy, and that is not always an easy thing to make sure of. However, there is one way in which you can do this, and it’s by being trustworthy from the outset. Essentially, people are going to be able to identify this in you unconsciously, so it will make an enormous difference to how they are going to respond to you in general. You should aim to focus on this as best as you can from the very start.