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Be Savvy With Your Spending This Summer - The Fortunate Investor

Be Savvy With Your Spending This Summer - The Fortunate Investor

June 7, 2021 By Kevin | This article may contain affiliate links. For more information visit our Disclosure

Now that summer is upon us, most of us are looking forward to beer garden trips, hikes in the country, and holidays abroad. Spending is often something that increases rapidly during the summer months and we all know it can be difficult to save money during this period.
But today we want to help you with a few simple money savvy tips to ensure you stay on track with your savings goals and reach your potential in 2021. Use these tips to be smarter with your money and avoid unnecessary spending. 
Use cash 
One of the hardest things in life is to overcome financial issues; but to do it you need to become ruthless with your lifestyle. One of the most useful techniques to stop you from spending too much money out and about is to use cash instead of a debit card. Bring cash with you, and as you spend money you will visually see how much you are spending. This can be a useful way to show you how much money you spend and it is a good deterrent for excess spending. 
Delete shopping apps 
If you are like many other people and spend time scrolling through online shopping apps when you’re bored – you have likely fallen foul to impulse buying on more than one occasion. It is so important to stop yourself from spending too much money, and instead, you should consider deleting all of these apps and this will stop you impulsively clicking into them when you are on your commute or sat at home. 
Write a grocery list 
One of the things that can often catch us out when trying to save money is the weekly food shop. It is all too easy to visit your local supermarket and start adding random items as you pass them in the store, but when you do this you end up spending a lot more than you would have. Make sure to make a list of everything you need before you go, and DON’T divert from this list at all in the store. This will control your spending and keep you on track 
Change car insurance 
One spend that you may not consider changing throughout your life is your car insurance. If you have stayed with the same provider for many years it is very likely that you have spent way more than you needed to. Use a comparison site and provide your details, and you will be surprised at how low the cost of your insurance could be. Always take the time to explore new options, because if you don’t you’ll lose out. 
Use the reduced section 
In the supermarket, there will be a section on the end of the aisle labeled for reduced items. These items will typically have a short shelf life, might have damaged packaging, or could be missing parts. When you visit the supermarket always take a look in this section, because you may be able to find your favorites for a fraction of the price.

Kevin has been a professional writer in personal finance and business topics for over 20 years.